Getting In Shape Made EASY For Career Focused Men.

Professional Coaching, Flexible Meal Planning, Consistent Results, & Everything A Man Needs To Be Fit!

Getting In Shape Made EASY For Career Focused Men.

Professional Coaching, Flexible Meal Planning, Consistent Results, & Everything A Man Needs To Be Fit!

  • Premium coaching services leveraging proven practices in fitness and nutrition.

  • Have a system that implements a proven process to help you get in better shape.

  • Spend less time in the gym - we help you get better results with less effort.

William Gill has personally coached 100+ career focused men get in better shape.

What Our Clients Say About Us

About Us

A Note From William Gill:

(Founder & CEO of Fit Boss Coaching)

Getting into the business world, it shocked me to realize how much first impressions matter - I saw many competent people being held back in their career for no reason other than their health. Yet none of them seemed to know how to fix that.

There I saw an opportunity to help.

I had spent years perfecting my craft, learning science-based body recomposition and addressing the common myths to build a simple, reliable, predictable and effortless fitness system.

And of course, suited to the people I knew the best, busy entrepreneurs & white-collar workers.

Now I take pride in delivering simple yet effective methods to help people improve their body, health, and image in a time efficient manner.

Our Strategy To Get Fit On Any Schedule

1 On 1 Coaching

Implementing a system tailored to your specific schedule. We help to maximize results, even if you only workout 2-3 times per week. We also provide mindset training to make "being motivated" easy.

Effortlessly doing the right movements the right way - guided by a professional.

Tailored Training

A system with simple yet effective workouts that remove most of the "guesswork" from fitness. The mental effort required in finding what to do is minimal.

No need for excessive training - only what is needed to achieve your end goal.

Flexible Meal Plan

We help you design a simple meal plan that doesn't require cutting carbs, or taking a bunch of supplements.

No more cutting out your favorite foods - learn how proper dieting can help you achieve your goals, whether it's building muscle or cutting fat.


With what we teach our clients inside the Fit Boss system, we build the right habits from the ground up. The results stay around as long as the habits are maintained.

Unlike most fitness programs, we want our clients to outgrow us by the end of their 3 month journey.

Contact Us

+61 424 303 002

6 Hobart Street, Riverstone, Sydney, New South Wales, 2765


How many hours a week do I have to commit

Depends on your goals but no more than 3 hours a week.

How will this help me in my career

First looks count, impressing people by competence and looks puts you ahead of the game.

Can you help me lose weight


Can you help me build muscle


Will I get injured

No, I never had a client get injured because there is no need to go super heavy.

I have injuries, can I still work out

Depends on what your doctor says, most injuries have work-arounds, but to be sure, hop on a call so I can make a evaluation.

I have wife, kids, work, and friends, can I still be fit

Yes, it does not take a lot of your week to create and maintain a fit body.

Will you help me with nutrition

Yes, whether it's losing fat or gaining muscle.

How many people have you coached

At the moment 100+.

Why should I have a online coach if I can have an in person trainer?

We can meet anywhere at anytime, not just at the gym

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